Data Verification

The Data verification section offers the ability to verify user data by connecting to different Blockchains or Digital ID providers and validating the ownership of tokens (ERC-20, NFTs SBTs...) or digital IDs. The user will connect to the infrastructures with their own keys and verify the data directly from within your system. The outcome of the verification can be used to trigger different actions within your system (eg. add a trust score, allow access to a service, complete KYC...).

Create a new Verification Config

You can setup different configs, containing different providers. A config is the unique combination of verifiable data sources and parameters associated to an APP key that will be generated automatically and linked to your billing in WalliD's backend. To create a new config, click on Data verification on the left-side pane of the dashboard and start by defining a name for it.

Select verifiable data providers

You can choose one or as many verifiable data sources to add to your config. All the infrastructures selected will become available in your system verification flow.

Choose data sources and config the parameters to verify

You can choose data sources (eg. PolygonID protocol + Polygon Blockchain) and define the parameters (eg. PolygonDAO member claim ownership + >1,000 Matic held) for a successful verification. Fill in the boxes or pick the options available in the right pane that appear once you select a specific data source to config all the details

Blockchains supported

Social IDs supported

Web3 IDs supported

PKIs supported

Select the type of verification flow (independent/ combined)

After selecting all data sources and defining parameters to be verified in your platform you can choose from one of the following verification flows:

  • Combined verifications flow - The user will need to verify all data selected in your config and comply with all the conditions to generate a verification output. They will be presented with a flow embedded in your platform that will require the user to complete all steps until all data is verified.

  • Independent verifications flow - The user can freely verify one or more of the individual data parameters you selected in your config. Each will be verified individually and the output of the verification will be treated individually as well.

Choose output type (result/ data)

The output of the verification will be sent and processed in your frontend. You can choose to process it in one of two ways:

  • Verification result - The verification process will only return a True or False statement based on the data provided by the user.

  • Verification data - The verification process will return all the user data verified alongside the verification result in case of successful verification.

Export the config code and add it to your platform

Once you complete the steps above, preview the verification modal that will be displayed in your website with all the parameters selected. Copy the code generated and add it to the frontend component of your platform that you wish to trigger the Verification flows from.

Last updated